Tác giả: Eike Kiltz
Nguồn trích: Progress in cryptology-INDOCRYPT 2001-LNCS 22418.7
Năm xuất bản: 1905
Số trang: 339
Tóm tắt: Given a cyclic group G and a generator g, the Diffie-Hellman function (DH) maps two group elements (g a ,g b )tog . For many groups G this function is assumed to be hard to compute. We generalize this function to the P-Diffie-Hellman function (P-DH) that maps two group elements (g a ,g b )tog P(a,b) ab for a (non-linear) polynomial P in a and b.In this paper we show that computing DH is computationally equivalent to computing P-DH. In addition we study the corresponding decision problem.
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